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Nachhilfe international baccalaureate

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28 Ergebnisse für: international baccalaureate Nachhilfe 
Suche: International Baccalaureate   (28 Ergebnisse / 28)   
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Nachhilfe Biology, Chemistry Standard Grade, GCSE, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, AS

1) ID 18948
aus 5HT Edinburgh
Biology, Chemistry
international baccalaureate Biology 7, Chemistry 7, overall 41 out of 45 points, 3rd year of Medical Sciences Undergraduate Degree at the University of Edinburgh
Standard Grade, GCSE, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, AS
I am a 3rd year student at the University of Edinburgh working towards my Medical Sciences Degree. I actively suport school-work as well as provide help with the exam preparation. Being a student myself I understand and recognise pupil's needs which helps me to plan the best possible tuition schedule. I am familiar with the curriculum of the courses in my teaching areas. I very much enjoy working with children and believe that hard work develops confidence and is always rewarded.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Englisch, English, Essays, Reading Compr... Abitur, International Baccalaureate

2) ID 309269
aus 50009 Zaragoza
Englisch, English, Essays, Reading Comprehension, Cartoon Analysis, Argumentative Writing, Biologie, Genetik, Evolution, Zellbiologie
Im April beginne ich meine Europalehramtstudium in den Fächern Englisch und Biologie. Ich habe im Alter von 6-13 eine ausschließlich englische Schule in der Schweiz besucht und habe in Deutschland dann eine internationale Schule besucht und sowohl das Abitur als auch das Internationale Baccalaureate erfolgreich absolviert. Das Internationale Baccalaureate ist ein englischsprachiger Schulabschluss, der in Biologie deutlich breitgefächertere Inhalte als das Abitur vermittelt. Daher habe ich fundierte Kenntnisse im Fach Biologie. Zudem, habe ich nach dem Abitur ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in Neuseeland gemacht, welches mein Englisch auf beinahe Muttersprachenniveau verbessert hat.
Abitur, International Baccalaureate
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Hallo, ich bin C. und bin 19 Jahre alt. Ich beginne im April mein Europalehramtstudium. Ich würde gerne Englisch und Biologie Nachhilfe geben, da es mir Spaß macht, anderen Menschen durch mein Wissen zu helfen und ich denke, dass auch ich durch Nachhilfe für mich etwas dazulernen kann. Je nach Anforderungsprofil kann ich mich auch in andere Fächer einlesen.
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09.02.2025 12:56

Nachhilfe English Any

3) ID 24352
aus 20135 Milan
The international baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme in English, currenty a student of economics at Bocconi University (taught in English)
For any details, contact me
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe English, IB English A, IB English B, Lan... IB English A LangLit/Lang, English B, International Baccalaureate

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für international baccalaureate
4) ID 325423
aus 1150 Vienna
English, IB English A, IB English B, Language and Literature, LangLit, IB, English, A, IB, English, B, Language, and, Literature
I have many years of successful experience tutoring/teaching IB English A and B, including intensive exam practice and support with the IO, HL Essays and EE. I can support you with commentary writing, applying lang and lit devices, analysis of texts and text writing.
IB English A LangLit/Lang, English B, International Baccalaureate
I am an experienced IB tutor with experience working in a school setting, workshops, IB camps, etc. I love teaching and can help students improve their grades and gain enthusiasm for learning, set goals and fill the gaps in knowledge.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Eintrag vom:

Diverse Sprachen Nachhilfe

5) ID 25942
aus 22607 Hamburg
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Abitur bzw. IB (international baccalaureate), Student
Deutsch und Englisch = alle, Spanisch & Franz. bis 9. Klasse
Ich biete Deutsch und Englischnachhilfe auf jedem Niveau und Französisch und Spanisch für alle mit maximal 2 Jahren Lernerfahrung in dem Fach an Da ich insgesamt seit 3 Jahren in den USA studiert habe, befinde ich mich sowohl sprachlich als auch schriftlich auf einem Muttersprachler Level Des Weiteren habe ich sowohl Erfahrungen in Nachhilfe hier in Deutschland und in den USA, als auch Erfahrungen im pädagogischen Bereich, da ich meinen Zivildienst in einem Internationalen Kindergarten vollbracht habe.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe English literature, German International Baccalaureate Year 11, Year 12

6) ID 32360
aus 3802 West Brunswick
English literature, German
Bachelor in Creative Arts (Visual Media) Diploma in Modern Languages (German)
International Baccalaureate Year 11, Year 12
I'm a warm and friendly person with a thorough knowledge of all the tricks you need to get a perfect 7 in your international baccalaureate Higher Level English or German course, having been through the ordeal myself! I'm currently studying for my honours. My schedule is fairly flexible; evenings during the week are best.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Математике, Физике, Химии... Any Level, ant topics

7) ID 35959
aus Лондон
Математике, Физике, Химии
Any Level, ant topics
Nachhilfe Profilbild
VIP Репетитор по Математике, Физике, имии на нглийком rnПреподаю в Киеве или по Skype. Подготовлю Вашего ребенка к потуплению ( к даче тетов по математике по программам 11+, 13+, GCSE, KS3, SAT, GMAT, IB Math, A-Level и т. п. ) в ведущие зарубежные чатные школы, Колледжи и универитеты нглии (London, Oxford, Cambridge), СШ, Германии, втралии, Швейцарии, Канады, Сингапура, втрии и пр. Помогу адаптироватья к дальнейшему обучению за рубежом. Имею ВСЕ необходимые материалы для подготовки rnОпыт подготовки в Mill Hill School, Abacus College, Concord College, Harrow School, Wellington College, The Rugby School, Sevenoaks School, Bellerbys College, Brighton College и др. а также в London School of Economics, University College London, Oxford University, University of Cambridge, University of Warwick, Durham University и др rnПо Математике GCSE, SAT, GMAT, international baccalaureate (IB), A-Level решаю Домашние задания, Контрольные, Теты, кзамены, делаю Куровые (можно по интернету on-line). В полном объеме помогаю по математике учащимя в Британкая Международная Школа(BISK), в Киевкая Международная Школа (KIS), в Печеркая Международная Школа (PSI). Преподавал в Лондоне. Программа занятий индивидуальнa для каждого ученика  учётом его целей и начального уровня rnВ полном объеме преподаю кур математики в рамках программ A-Level и international baccalaureate rnОтличаютя A-Level и international baccalaureate от нашей школьной программы пециализированной лекикой и, главным образом, тем, что такие разделы как математичекий анализ, аналитичекая геометрия, линейная алгебра, комбинаторика, теория вероятнотей, татитика и анализ данных у на изучаютя лишь на 1-2 курах наших техничеких ВУЗов, то еть, практичеки отуттвуют в школьной. Кроме того, необходимо привыкнуть к математичекому тилю, труктуре тетов и экзаменов rnP. S. Подготовка к ЕГ, ЗНО по Математике.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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International (IB/AP/IGCSE/AS/A2) Curriculum, Math...

8) ID 17282
aus 56004 Bangalore/Chennai/Coimbatore/Puducherry
International IB, AP, IGCSE, AS, A2, Curriculum, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, SAT
The facilitator is an engineer and an educationist with wide research and teaching experience. He has undergone training on the curriculum structure, course content and examination patterns of British-CIE (IGCSE & AS/A2-Levels), American (PSAT, SAT SAT-I & II, AP) and the international baccalaureate (MYP & IB DIPLOMA) curricula. He has several years of hands-on teaching experience in the field. He has dedicated most of his adult life-time, effort and money for the sole purpose of inspiring, counsel
Indian curriculum
Nachhilfe Profilbild
EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION, Aug’97 - present Faculty of international baccalaureate (IB) Programmes, MYP & Diploma (DP) • Teaching Mathematics (HL & SL), Physics (SL) and Sciences (MYP), Internal Assessments (IA), training students on use of Graphic Calculators (GDC) e.t.a. • Facilitating Extended Essay (EE) & Theory of Knowledge (TOK) topics and supporting other Departments in the area of applied Mathematics & Sciences Faculty of Cambridge Intl’ Exams (CIE), A/AS-Levels, IGCSE & Check-point • Teaching Mathematics (Grades 8-12) and Physics & Chemistry (Grades 6 -11) Faculty of Advanced Placement (AP) Program, USA, • Teaching AP Calculus (AB & BC), Physics (B & C) and Chemistry Faculty for International-level Competitive Examinations, • Coaching students for various competitive aptitude/entrance tests, including, but not limited to, PSAT, SAT - Reasoning, SAT II - Subject tests, GRE, GMAT & CAT Faculty of National Institute of Open School (NIOS), • Teaching Mathematics to students of Grades IX & X. NIOS curriculum has been adapted from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum, to suit students, such as sportspersons, who need flexibility in learning/writing exams Coordinator for Advanced Placement/PSAT, • Registering the school with, and coordinating with, the College Board (CB), NJ, USA for local administration of their AP Program. Also coordination of activities such as registering students, providing academic support and administering examinations. • Conceptualising, developing and administering staff training programs for the facilitators, invigilators & ICT-personnel locally involved with AP/PSAT Curriculum and ICT coordination, • Developing middle school curriculum, in Mathematics and Sciences, that is vertically integrated with the CIE (IGCSE and AS/A-level) and IB (DP) curricula, and is horizontally integrated towards thematic Inter-disciplinary learning (IB-MYP) • Planning and implementing inter disciplinary approaches in learning, through which students learn interrelatedness and interdependence of knowledge, covering more concepts using one theme • Facilitating project based learning, which is an in-depth investigation of a topic worth learning more about, that is done individually, or in small groups or as a whole class. • Developing lessons using a variety of teaching methodologies, which effectively address the range of learning styles, multiple intelligences and academic/behavioural levels of students within each calibre (Teaching methodologies include games, hands-on activities, experimental investigations, OHP/audio-visual presentations, analogies, peer teaching, collaborative learning) • Developing the middle- and high-school curriculum for students with, o Regular Calibre o Higher Calibre (Gifted) o Special educational needs (SEN) o English as second language (ESL) • Organising the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) committee that looks into integration of ICT in curriculum and meeting the ICT needs of every department in the school, and participating in other committees that works towards achieving the quality requirements of the Council of International Schools (CIS)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Chemistry, Biology, Maths Higher Level & Standard Level

9) ID 38284
aus 30559 Hannover
Chemistry, Biology, Maths
international baccalaureate
Higher Level & Standard Level
As I experienced the difficulties students face when preparing, revising and learning for the IB myself, I know about the problems and will try to maximize the best in you!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Maths, Statistics and Physics Tutor, PhD

10) ID 21646
Physics, Mathematics, Statistics
Diploma in Education (DipEd, UNSW 2012) Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics (University of Oxford, 2002). Bachelors Degree in Physics (University of Ioannina 1998) Diploma in Business (Kent Institute of Business and Technology, 2012).
Mathematics, Statistics and Physics for all levels (GCSE, iGCSE, A-Levels, University). I have experience in all boards
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I am a fully Qualified Secondary School Teacher (Science). Over the last 10 years, I have been involved in Private Tuition in the areas of Mathematics and Physics for Exam/College Preparation as well as University Level Courses. I have experience in the UK (GCSE & A-Levels), the international baccalaureate curriculum in Physics (SL/HL) and Mathematics (SL/HL), the Australian (Year11 & 12) School System as well as Oxbridge Admission tests (PAT/STEP). Furthermore, I have worked as an Academic Researcher (Theoretical Particle Physics). Professional Experience I am a full-time Private Tutor in Mathematics and Physics. A large part of my work is related to University Level tuition but also the last two grades of High School (exam preparation). From my placements in UK and Australia I have extensive experience and knowledge in teaching 1st and 2nd year Physics courses, such as Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Thermodynamics, Calculus, Statistics as well as more advanced 3rd and 4th year subjects, such as Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Optics & Lasers, Particle Physics, Special and General Relativity etc. Moreover, I have taught various topics in University Level mathematics, such as Calculus, Advanced/Multivariable Calculus, Algebra, Complex Analysis, Group Theory, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, etc. Furthermore, I have experience in the UK schooling system and currently work with a number of London based tutoring offices, teaching Physics and Mathematics for GCSE/iGCSE and A-Levels (AQA, CCEA, OCR, WJEC ). I also have experience in GRE Subject Tests (Physics and Mathematics) preparation as well as SAT and GMAT (Math/Quantitative/Analytic sections)

Warum mir Nachhilfe Freude macht?
Teaching Statement Obviously, apart from the context itself and the expertise in the related fields, there are other essential components of successful teaching like personality, enthusiasm, versatility, appreciation of the importance of outreach, and most important a relation of understanding between the lecturer and the students. Apart from the previous, I think that it is crucial to provide students with a working knowledge of physical systems and to teach them problem-solving skills for building upon this knowledge. Teaching a person to think analytically is at the core of what a student should take away from any science course. For students not majoring in physics/maths, it is important to teach them how science affects their daily lives and how to make informed decisions about it based on information available. For physics/math majors it is crucial to teach them the knowledge pertinent to their course of study and how scientists solve difficult problems using approximation, computational, and other quantitative methods. These important tools are invaluable to future researchers because they aid in the careful design of experiments and in determining the predictions of a model or theory. I would also strive to cover a range of topics in my courses. This would enable me to teach an array of different methods for approaching physical problems and to demonstrate how similar approaches can be applied to problems from disparate fields. Furthermore, being a theoretician, I am well suited to teach physics majors how to construct theories and models, to derive predictions from these models, and to test these predictions against empirical data they have collected from the literature or obtained in the laboratory. Mentoring the research of undergraduate and graduate students is one of the most long-lasting contributions a researcher can make, and it is a process that I find fun and rewarding. From my experience, I learned the importance of engaging students through examples and of pitching material at a level that assumes intelligence but not necessarily knowledge, blending the known with the unknown in a combination that gives the student the feeling of possibility rather than that of impossibility that formal and impressive methods may impose. I would also enjoy teaching introductory physics courses. Although it is often challenging to teach introductory students, it is a challenge I thoroughly enjoy. Preparing lectures and solution sets forces me to communicate fundamental ideas in simple terms and to think deeply again about some of the most basic principles in physics. During my graduate school period, I had the chance to become familiar with the system of tutorials that some of the British universities offer. This much more personalised system provides the opportunity of outside of the classroom discussion and interaction which are a crucial part of the learning process. Many students who are reserved in class, ask excellent questions in smaller settings and thus, learn much more. I greatly value the instruction and mentorship I received while in college and feel strongly about providing quality education to current and future students.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe English, Literary, Analysis, Algebra, Ge... High School Diploma, International Baccaleaurate Diploma, Bachelor's Degre...

11) ID 9176
aus 90077 Los Angeles
English, Literary, Analysis, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra, II, Trigonometry, Biology, Advanced, Biology, French, American, History, World, History, Essay, Composition, Statistics
I am currently a freshmen at the *****. Presently, I tutor three students in various subjects, including: Geometry, Physical Science, Essay Composition, Test Preparation, etc. I also the student assistant to the Director of Financial Aid at the UJ and am in direct contact with students throughout the day. I graduated as Valedictorian from Quartz Hill High School, a highly prestigious international baccalaureate school. I also successfully obtained the IB diploma and received a semester
High School Diploma, International Baccaleaurate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree in progress, Published Author/Poet, Senior Editor/Copy Editor of "Casiano Chronicle"
I have a strong academic background in multifarious subjects and am confident in my abilities to meet the needs of any and all students. I am highly animated, as I was in theatre arts programs for five years and acted in as well as directed several plays. I have a friendly disposition and am extremely patient. I learned immense patience from volunteering with mentally/physically disabled and abused children. I form personal relationships with my students and make them feel completely comfortable with me. I refrain from acting superior or making my students feel inadequate. My sessions are intimate and I continually instill a sense of pride in my students and encourage them in any way possible. I have a profound desire to enrich the minds of young people. I am very tenacious and have staunch work ethics, and these attributes are evident in all endeavors I undertake. I would love the opportunity to increase the number of students I tutor. For references, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe English at Secondary level, Graduattion ... Seconadry , IB DP, & Competitive Examinations

12) ID 22493
aus 89 Mumbai
English at Secondary level, Graduattion level, SAT, GMAT level
MA., English, MA., History, M.Phil., English, MEd., PGCTE., Cert., in French, Diploma in Computer Applications. GESE Indian Examiner representing India and IBO Examiner for English A1 ( Literature).
Seconadry , IB DP, & Competitive Examinations
I have been Teaching English for 22 years in different countries. Currently, I am teaching international baccalaureate. I can take care of the children with special attention.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe English, English Literature, Math, Pri S... Primary School, International Baccalaureate Diploma, GCE O\'levels

13) ID 29918
aus 57028 Singapore
English, English Literature, Math, Pri Sch, Science, Chinese
-international baccalaureate Diploma (HL English, HL History, HL Economics, SL Chinese, SL Physics, SL Math) -GCE O\'levels (Chinese & Higher Chinese)
Primary School, International Baccalaureate Diploma, GCE O\'levels
-Attended a top school in Singapore, with a university place in Law already secured. -Currently an NSF looking for weekend tutoring jobs. -Able to teach all primary school subjects. -Also able to teach English language to beginners of the language. -Price is negotiable
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe Mathematics, English phonics, pronouncia... Mathematics: up to A-level, English: any level, IB HL economics

14) ID 37086
aus SG 118424
Mathematics, English phonics, pronounciation, IB HL economics
international baccalaureate Diploma 2008: + (38/45)rnTutored mathematics for Grade 8 students at Elements of KnowledgernCurrently studying at NUS business school
Mathematics: up to A-level, English: any level, IB HL economics
I am patient and experienced with tutoring children and youth. I can tutor IB specific courses I grew up in Canada and am now at NUS business school
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
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Nachhilfe geben

Nachhilfe geben ist ein spannender Nebenjob (- wenn er gut genug bezahlt wird). Denn jede Begegnung mit einem/r Schüler/in ist anders, auch die Familien sind verschieden. Manchmal ergeben sich längerfristige gute Beziehungen bis hin zu Freundschaften. Denn Nachhilfe geben ist häufig, was ein Gruppenunterricht nur selten sein kann: individuell und persönlich. Beim Begleiten und Unterrichten von Schülern in höheren Klassen oder bei der Nachhilfe für Studenten müssen Nachhilfelehrer/innnen sich gelegentlich etwas intensiver in den Stoff einarbeiten. Wenn das zeitlich möglich ist oder evtl. vom Schüler finanziell ausgeglichen wird, dann machen das die Nachhilfelehrer in der Regel gerne, und manchmal machen sie sich den Aufwand auch ohne dafür bezahlt zu werden - einfach aus eigenem Interesse und Neugier. Da sind die Nachhilfelehrer und Nachhilfelehrerinnen nach meiner Erfahrung sehr verschieden. Wer zum ersten Mal daran denkt, Nachhilfe zu geben ist bei uns richtig. Jetzt einfach kostenlos als Nachhilfelehrer/in anmelden - und wenn Fragen aufkommen: wir helfen gerne und können mit Erfahrung, Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, ...denn: wir helfen helfen ;)

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Es ist eine clevere Entscheidung Nachhilfe zu suchen. Denn Nachhilfeunterricht ist nicht nur Förderunterricht nach der Schule oder als intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung. Nachhilfe ist eine Chance, und eine Begegnung: mit einer anderen Art, die Dinge zu sehen und erklärt zu bekommen. Wenn die Chemie stimmt und die fachlichen Grundlagen Fundament haben, dann kann professionelle Nachhilfe die Noten verbessern, Prüfungsängste abbauen, eine Nachprüfung vermeiden und dabei vielleicht auch noch Spaß machen. ;) - Also jetzt registrieren und einen Nachhilfelehrer finden! - Wir wünschen von Herzen eine erfolgreiche Nachhilfe!